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Activities: Ideation session, SWOT analysis.
During the first two weeks, you will engage in ideation sessions and conduct a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By the end of this phase, you will have shortlisted business ideas and a clear vision statement for the final business idea.
Deliverables: Shortlisted business ideas, Vision statement.
Activities: Market research, Customer persona development.
The following two weeks focus is on market research and customer persona development. You will gain valuable insights into your target market and create detailed customer personas to better understand their needs.
Deliverables: Market research report, Customer personas.
Activities: Business model canvas, Revenue model exploration.
You will work on creating a solid business model canvas and exploring various revenue models during this phase. By the end of weeks 5-6, you will have a completed business model canvas and a pricing strategy in place.
Deliverables: Business model , Pricing strategy.
Activities: Feasibility study, Resource assessment.
During these weeks you will involve conducting a feasibility study and assessing the resources required for the business.
Deliverables: Feasibility study report, Resource plan.
Activities: Strategic roadmap, Action plan development.
You will focus on creating a strategic roadmap and developing an action plan with clear milestones during these weeks. These tools will help you to equip you for the execution phase and ensure a smooth implementation process.
Deliverables: Strategic roadmap, Action plan with milestones.
Activities: Business operations setup, Marketing strategy.
Execution and Launch Preparation In the final two weeks, you will set up your business operations and finalize marketing strategy to successful launch of your dream venture.
Deliverables: Finalized operations plan, Marketing strategy document.
Placa de Cataluniya, Barcelona, Spain
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